The Importance of Quality Assurance and Testing Services Part 3

The Importance of Quality Assurance and Testing Services Part 3

The Importance of Quality Assurance and Testing Services Part 3

4. Website Security Testing

Websites are no longer limited to presenting information using static pages. Security carries greater importance with the arrival of Web 2.0 and the dramatic incremental increase in online transactions. Security testing guarantees that confidential data remains secret and that only authorized users can access and share it with other authorized users. We can provide you with the following services:

  • Browse ordinary security threats to fragile websites;
  • Ensure significant data and online transactions are safe;
  • Give you suggestions on how to reduce or prevent threats from industry-specific client and administration sites;
  • Test your website for viruses and bugs, spoofing, URL manipulation issues, cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection (testing for Open Web Application Security Project [OWASP] Top Ten vulnerabilities), etc.;
  • Prevent hackers from controlling the database and reaching confidential information;
  • Use authentication and authorization testing to ensure the website functions well and unauthorized visitors cannot modify it; and
  • Conduct business logic testing, session management testing, data validation testing, protection against spamming, Ajax testing, etc.

59% of people are still concerned about online banking security.

5. Mobile UX and Functional Testing

Today, mobile phones dominate, and users always depend on their phones for searches. Therefore, your website must offer a positive experience on mobile devices. UX testing can help test your website’s performance and user experience by carrying out the following steps:

  • Testing your website’s look, navigation, and user experience on various devices and screen orientations;
  • Checking if all details can be applied to different mobile devices;
  • Making sure the website login, registration, and checkout process are fast and easy;
  • Examining your website’s technical compatibility;
  • Supervising your website’s loading time on various mobile operating system and browsers; and
  • Observing your website’s presentation on both old and new mobile browsers.

You will lose 43% of your clients if you do not manage your mobile app well.


Main Reasons for Responsive Web Design

6. Load and Performance Testing

How will your website perform if a vast number of visitors access your website at the same time? Will you be concerned that your website may crash if it is visited by many users simultaneously? Load and performance testing can help you solve this dilemma. If you have e-commerce websites, news websites and blogs, travel and other database-driven portals, gaming websites, you will need comprehensive load and performance testing. This will include the following steps:

  • Review your website performance in integrated conditions;
  • Test your website’s average response time with maximum user loads;
  • Find the possible choke point of your website’s design;
  • Compare the presentation of your website to that of other similar websites; and
  • Give advice to minimize your website’s average response time and usage of deployed resources.

64% of website visitors want your website to load in under 4 seconds.

Optimized Website Audit and Testing Process

  1. Plan audit and requirement analysis
  2. Construct the proper strategy and methodology using both manual and automated testing method
  3. Prepare for various test cases while remembering both good and bad situations, end-user scenarios, etc.
  4. Check the website’s performance in integrated conditions for issues, flaws, and loading time
  5. Report all the flaws after testing and send those reports to project stakeholders

Why must you consider partnering with specialized website testers?

  1. Our testing professionals will cooperate with your design and development team to deliver a thorough test before you launch your website.
  2. Your web project can be monitored by our experienced professional designers and developers if you choose the right testing service.
  3. The competence of a professional testing team can surpass that of automated tools, which are used for quality testing.
  4. Our expertise provides better feedback than automated online tools or an unprofessional website tester.
  5. With our thorough testing, you can launch your website with confidence!

Make your ideas come to life and create your own unique website with Blue Ocean Global Technology.

Contact us today!

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Sameer Somal
Sameer Somal, CFA, CFP®, CAIA
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