attorneypartnernetwork |

Blue Ocean Attorney
Partner Network

Gain Priority Access to Resources and
Actionable Advice to Services You Don’t Own.

Welcome to Blue Ocean Global Technology’s Attorney Partner Network.

Success is not just about what you know—it’s about who you know and having access to resources that strengthen your professional network.

We are committed to the growth of your law firm. Strong relationships are the key to success. Become more competitive, and differentiate your law practice by joining our network today!

As a member of our network, you’ll have exclusive access to a range of services designed to help you establish and maintain a positive online reputation, build your brand, and attract new business.

Our team of experts is here to provide on-demand concierge support and solutions that create the opportunities you need to succeed.

Availability is currently limited for new members.

Sign up to be added to our waitlist, and we will notify you when the opportunity to join our exclusive membership reopens!

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Referral Information:

Availability: Please select the time frame within which you would like to access our exclusive membership services. (check one)
Membership Type (check one):*

Members of our Attorney Partner Network have access to a range of diverse services and benefits

Regular Membership

Media Opportunities

As a member of the Attorney Partner Network (APN), you will have opportunities to be quoted in articles produced by the Blue Ocean Global Technology public relations team. This is elemental to establishing your reputation as an industry thought leader, gaining more visibility, increasing your credibility, and attracting new clients to your firm.

Feature Interviews

Our APN interview opportunities allow you to share your insights with our audience. This helps build your personal brand and increase your credibility. Feature interviews can also help attract new clients who are looking for legal services from a knowledgeable and reputable authority.

Guest Posting and Author Profile

Publish articles and create an individual author profile on our website to establish authority. Our service is designed to enhance your digital reputation and showcase your legal expertise. It allows you to build backlinks to your website, improving your search engine ranking and online credibility.


As a member of our APN, you will be connected to other law firms. You can collaborate, expand your reach through referrals, and take on more complex cases that require specialized knowledge or expertise with them.

Expert Consultation

Access expert guidance on legal matters and business strategy through consulting sessions with our team and our chief executive officer, Sameer Somal, and benefit from his experience as an expert witness. This knowledge gives you a competitive advantage, helping you make informed decisions about your practice.

Regular Qualified Introductions

Membership in the APN includes regular qualified introductions to potential business contacts, helping you build your network and generate new business opportunities.

Online Reputation Management Consultancy

Our team will provide you with personalized guidance on managing your online reputation. We’ll help you develop a strategy for creating positive content, responding to negative reviews, and monitoring your online presence.

Content Removal Services

Our team will help you, your law firm, and your clients remove any content that violates privacy, infringes on copyright, or is defamatory. We work with a variety of platforms, including social media, blogs, and news sites. We will work with you to provide expert advice on legal takedowns, social media policies, and internet defamation cases.

Digital Expungement

 We will help remove or redact harmful or sensitive digital records to protect your online reputation and personal privacy. We work closely with lawyers to provide a specialized and comprehensive solution for clients who have been affected by cyberbullying or online defamation.

Premium Membership

Receive All the Services and Benefits of Regular Membership, Plus the Following:

White Glove Onboarding

Gain priority access to resources and actionable advice to services you don’t own. You’ll have a direct connection to our expert witness, Sameer Somal, and receive a customized plan tailored to your needs. 

Crisis Management

We’ll support you in developing and implementing a crisis management plan to quickly respond to negative publicity and mitigate potential damage to your reputation.

Intellectual Property Management

Get assistance with managing and protecting intellectual property, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights.

Tech Support

Benefit from access to technical support and guidance on technology and software solutions for legal research, case management, and document management.

Community Outreach Programs

Elevate your brand image by participating/partnering in community outreach programs that support legal education, legal aid, and social justice initiatives in underserved communities.

Leadership Development Programs

Become part of leadership development programs for attorneys, including coaching, mentorship, and leadership training.  Our focused continuing education resources for attorneys include webinars, seminars, and workshops on a variety of legal topics and skills.

Forensic Accounting Support

Get forensic accounting and financial analysis support, including help with discovery requests, deposition preparation, and trial testimony.

Prelitigation Research Resources

Access a comprehensive library of legal research resources; our experts will support you in understanding the relevant technologies and ensure that every detail of your complaint that relies on computer science is sound and verified, helping you form a solid complaint strategy.

Mock Trial Preparation

Gain assistance with mock trial preparation, including developing trial strategies, conducting witness interviews, and preparing exhibits and other visual aids.

Pro Bono Network

Have access to a pro bono network that connects you with nonprofit organizations and individuals in need of legal services to help fulfill corporate social responsibilities.

Join our elite community of relationship builders for only $250/month for regular membership services or $500/hour for premium membership services to unlock unparalleled networking opportunities!

Our Attorney Partner Network offers networking and promotional opportunities for members, along with exclusive information and advice about online reputation management and digital marketing.

Please Note: As we strive to consistently improve our offerings to ensure that APN members receive the utmost value from their investment in our services, we might periodically review and adjust our pricing structure.

Terms and Conditions:

By joining our waitlist, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. By clicking Join Now, you agree to pay the monthly membership fee. We will contact you to confirm your membership and provide payment information.
  2. Our monthly subscription includes access to a range of resources that will aid you in providing timely and effective legal services. We will also offer consultations and discussions to assist you in addressing any challenges that arise in your practice. Additionally, we will outline the specific services rendered for each case in compliance with all applicable laws.
  3. There is no guarantee of membership or a timeline for membership availability.
  4. We will keep your information on file and contact you when membership is available.
  5. We may send you occasional updates and offers related to the Attorney Partner Network.
  6. You may unsubscribe from our waitlist at any time.
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