Executive Online Protection |

Are you in control
of your privacy?

You may be more exposed than you think.

Our reputation precedes us on the Internet.
That’s usually a good thing. But not always.
Personal data in the wrong hands can be catastrophic for executives.

Manage risk and protect yourself before a breach happens.

Stay safe out there.

Online protection is a continuous process rather than a one-time effort.

Information is stored, shared, and leaked every day. Hackers use more sophisticated methods every year.

Our experts live on the cutting edge of security trends, technologies, and social engineering techniques.

Let our cybersecurity team provide you and your executives peace of mind online.

The Blue Ocean reputation audit is FREE

100+ point checklist




No obligation


How it works.

Every person’s online footprint is unique.
The security gaps that stem from your daily online activity are unique.

  1. Our cybersecurity experts start with common breach points and patterns.
  2. The audit reveals 100+ data points and areas that need attention.

FREE audit


Step 2


Step 3


FREE audit


Step 5


Step 4


then we Provide a Solution.

Our professionals carefully construct an eCommerce plan as per your goals. The eCommerce plan is individually structured catering to all your needs.

Attacks are more common than we may realize.


There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds


84% of C-level executives are targeted by at least one cyberattack in a year


95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error


78% of IT leaders say the C-Suite is the most likely to be targeted by phishing attacks


54% of companies have experienced at least one attack in the last year


77% of organizations do not have a cybersecurity incident response plan

We address and strengthen weak links in
your personal security chain.

A chain is as strong as its weakest link. At Blue Ocean Global Technology, we approach online security from three primary angles.

Systemic strengthening


  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Permissions lockdown
  • Patches & software updates

Online privacy


  • Clean up information on people-search sites
  • Audit visible personal data
  • Monitoring & reporting

User behavior


  • User education
  • Anti-phishing & safe behavior testing

Compromised accounts on
the dark web.

Criminals use the dark web, a hidden collective of un-indexed internet sites, to sell hacked personal data.
In 2019, a hacker used the dark web to list 620 million hacked accounts for sale.

These accounts may include:

  1. Email
  2. Social media
  3. Financial information
  4. Personal information
  5. Forged documents

Our cybersecurity experts educate themselves with constant training in how these hackers operate, what tools they use, the vulnerabilities they leverage, and how to deal with threats.

Protect yourself before it is too late.

Protect yourself before it is too late.

Compromised security is a major risk for a company’s reputation.


Share prices typically fall 7.25% on average after a breach.

When a company’s executives’ accounts have been infiltrated, it is difficult for customers to trust that company with personal data.

Aside from the actual loss, a breach is bad PR.

Removing personally identifiable information from the Internet strengthens your defenses and brings peace of mind.

Take no chances. Talk to us today!

The Blue Ocean promise of trust


Data breach detection & removal


Finding compromised passwords


Protecting personal information


Reputation protection & damage recovery

Invest in your brand today

Strategize your way to the top.
Don’t let your reputation drop.

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