expert witness

What restrictions are placed on expert witnesses?

Specific restrictions are placed on what an expert witness can and cannot testify to. Expert witnesses are permitted to give their opinions only on matters for which they are deemed qualified as having expertise. This distinction is very important in circumscribing what is often heavily weighted testimony. Expert witnesses are a specific exception to the

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What skills are required by an expert witness?

In addition to qualifications to substantiate their opinions, expert witnesses need several different skills to be effective. Expert witnesses must be able to clearly and concisely present to a court issues that are often complex and difficult for a layperson to understand. Any expert witness who wishes to maintain their credibility must also be able

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What qualifies a person to be an expert witness?

Typically, an expert witness is someone whose level of scholarship, knowledge, or professional experience in a specific or specialized field allows them to provide testimony—their “expert opinion”—before a court of law on the evidence or circumstances of a criminal or civil case. A court must recognize this person as a qualified “expert witness” before they

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