How do you fix a bad business reputation? |

How do you fix a bad business reputation?

Fixing a business’ reputation is a multi-step process that you must be willing to tackle with humility and determination.

The first step is figuring out what went wrong—what was the specific source of the issue? Was this a long-term issue with the slipping quality of your products or an acute problem with an inappropriate or controversial comment by your CEO?

  • Next, publicly acknowledge what happened and what you are doing to fix it. Apologize openly on social media. Use all of the channels available to you—your website, social media, press releases and advertising to amplify the message that you’re making this change.
  • Ensure that, in your statements, you’re putting your customer and their needs first. People’s natural inclination is to wonder, “What’s in it for me” and they will be even more suspicious if you’ve recently stumbled. Ensure that communication is genuine and your focus is in the right place.
  • Follow through on your commitment. Prove to your customers that you’ve fixed the problem and you’re serious about resolving it. For example, if the problem was product quality, reach out with post-purchase quality surveys to document your progress; if the problem was an insensitive public remark by your CEO, highlight positive press and build an educational campaign around a new initiative or social impact.
  • Get in front of the next issue. Open up communication lines with your customers and your employees to identify potential problems before they cascade into crises.

Fixing a bad business reputation can feel overwhelming. Your dedicated reputation management firm will help guide you through the process of rehabilitating your business reputation.

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