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Why is data science important for business?

Businesses, even relatively small ones, generate massive amounts of data through their normal daily processes, including customer demographic data, customer interactions, sales information, logistical and shipping information, product information, and internal employee and communication information. This data can be recorded and organized, and companies can then mine it for insights not only into their customers

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How do I get my business ready for data science?

Any business interested in data science should have an expert examine its current situation in terms of data intake and assets, network and IT infrastructure, current trainable staff (or the potential creation of new positions) that could handle data science issues moving forward, and other such considerations. For some businesses, “getting ready” for data science

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What is the difference between data science and Big Data?

Data science and Big Data can overlap substantially, but understanding what distinguishes one from the other is important. The general term Big Data refers to the current explosion of data we are experiencing in the digital age, including the gathering and exploitation of large data sets and the ways that data is recorded and stored.

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Do I need data scientists for my business?

Your business could most likely benefit from input from data scientists, but this does not mean that you need to hire them directly. Some companies (especially tech-focused businesses and those that have undergone a complete digital transformation) have in-house data analysts and departments focused on data science and Big Data. But hiring an outside expert

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