Uncategorized FAQ

Uncategorized FAQ

What are the top three trends of digital transformation?

Numerous trends have emerged in the realm of digital transformation, from AI and machine learning to multi-cloud architecture. However, we see the following as three of the top trends for the year ahead: The continued democratization of technology: The more people within an organization who can use technology to accomplish their goals—without IT intervention—the more

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What is meant by digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a common buzzword these days, but what does it really mean? When technology has had an impact on every area of a business, that business has experienced a digital transformation. This process includes all of the following: Leadership and employees Business processes and operations Customers and their experience How effectively and efficiently

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What are the four main areas of digital transformation?

Digital transformation involves four primary areas: people, processes, customers, and offerings. First, a company’s people are at the heart of the business and also at the heart of that business’s digital transformation. Getting buy-in from all stakeholders is vital, from company leadership to front-line employees, so that everyone feels invested in the plan and its

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Is artificial intelligence (AI) part of digital transformation?

In many situations, artificial intelligence (AI) should be a part of digital transformation. Why? Two words: big data. Every day, businesses collect a staggering amount of data—personal data, transaction data, demographic data, behavioral data, and so on. Multiply those bits of data for each person who browses and each person who buys, 24 hours a

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