Digital Transformation

How is digital transformation changing project management?

Digital transformation benefits project management in two primary ways. First, the tools being used on a project are continuously updated to be their most efficient and effective. Cloud Computing and online communication mean that location and distance are no longer obstacles for effective remote collaboration, and Big Data allows companies to adjust to their projected […]

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How is digital transformation rewriting business models?

What digital transformation contributes to business models is the capacity for continuous change. Many executives know that they must adapt to new business environments, and adaptation is a core feature of digital transformation. Because a business model that incorporates digital transformation will subsequently be digital “down to the bone,” the company will be able to

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How is progress measured for digital transformation?

A business’s digital transformation often involves every level of management and requires the commitment of those in leadership positions from the top down. Typically, a head technology officer such as a CTO or similar will oversee the project and integrate the efforts of all departments as the new way of doing things is implemented. This

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Why is digital transformation important for the business industry?

Like the internet was before it, digital transformation is the future. Many businesses, especially those in the technology sector, either have already adopted this business model or were created with it from day one. As a result, companies that ignore or fail to implement digital transformations are putting themselves at risk. For the business industry

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How can digital transformation affect the growth of my business?

Digital transformation can greatly improve a business’s efficiency, from its hiring practices to logistics and customer service. Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Big Data provides businesses with insights into their customers’ needs and interests. Most importantly, the flexibility that comes with being “digital first” allows any company to quickly and skillfully transition into new functions that

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How does a business develop a digital transformation strategy?

A business can develop a digital transformation strategy in-house or using outside expertise. Doing so in-house can give a company greater control over the process. After all, the business knows best what it wants. But recruiting the necessary expertise and training current employees in the digital transformation process can be difficult, which tends to slow

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What are the top three trends of digital transformation?

Numerous trends have emerged in the realm of digital transformation, from AI and machine learning to multi-cloud architecture. However, we see the following as three of the top trends for the year ahead: The continued democratization of technology: The more people within an organization who can use technology to accomplish their goals—without IT intervention—the more

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What is meant by digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a common buzzword these days, but what does it really mean? When technology has had an impact on every area of a business, that business has experienced a digital transformation. This process includes all of the following: Leadership and employees Business processes and operations Customers and their experience How effectively and efficiently

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What are the four main areas of digital transformation?

Digital transformation involves four primary areas: people, processes, customers, and offerings. First, a company’s people are at the heart of the business and also at the heart of that business’s digital transformation. Getting buy-in from all stakeholders is vital, from company leadership to front-line employees, so that everyone feels invested in the plan and its

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Is artificial intelligence (AI) part of digital transformation?

In many situations, artificial intelligence (AI) should be a part of digital transformation. Why? Two words: big data. Every day, businesses collect a staggering amount of data—personal data, transaction data, demographic data, behavioral data, and so on. Multiply those bits of data for each person who browses and each person who buys, 24 hours a

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